8/9/2023 Development Update (Done with the Script for Day 3)


I am currently typing this ahead of time because the wifi in my room is out.

I haven’t forgotten about this project and I will complete it.

So between the craziness of my summer job, I finally finished the script for Day 3. It is at 15,000 words. I have it in Ren’Py, I just need to program/make the remaining images, audio and whatever custom things you’ve come to know me for.

The upcoming build will have the completed CG and a WEB Version.

I am aiming for the end of the month for it to be released.

I recently got laid off from the company I was working for, for a year but I got a pretty sweet Completion/Leaving Bonus so I am not hurting too badly. Assuming that the fender-bender I got into yesterday doesn’t cost me too much. My brother’s wedding is still in the middle of October and I have plans to move to Colorado for a few months after the wedding to try to spend some more time with him. As for what’s between now and then is mostly up in the air. I might go back to place I was working at, for a few weeks, while I was helping my mother recover from her condition for a year.

The final build (Day 4) will be much much shorter than Day 3. It is only looking to be around 5 scenes total. So hopefully that can be out before the wedding. And then I can focus on making Interlude One of IBWHIP to tide people over for a while, while I try to get my life together more.

Thank you,



TATWIOYBOTAG-0.3.1-win.zip 127 MB
Jul 05, 2023
io.unagi.tatwioybotag-30100-release.apk 143 MB
Jul 05, 2023
TATWIOYBOTAG-0.3.1-mac.zip 133 MB
Jul 05, 2023
TATWIOYBOTAG-0.3.1-linux.tar.bz2 121 MB
Jul 05, 2023

Get There Are Two Wolves Inside Of You; Both Of Them Are Gay


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Okay, I’m on programming the last scene of Day 3. And it’s a big one.

Definitely not going to have it ready by the end of the month.

I go back to work on Saturday, not Sunday.

So hopefully I can get it out on Friday night but I still need to program all the audio.